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Welcome to our Alternative Asset Guides.

There are many Investment opportunities available, but how should you decide where to Invest?

Our 99 Alternative Asset Guides give you free essential information & ideas on many aspects of investing.

Hedge Funds Guide

Hedge funds are known for riskier investments but it attracts money from high net worth individuals and institutions seeking greater returns for higher- risk bets. The strategies used by managers’ aims to provide alternative opportunities in uncorrelated and traditional markets. Experts provide exposure into unique return streams which cannot be achieved by traditional vehicles.

Investors can register and download the latest version of our Alternative Investment Guide to know in detail about hedge funds.

Some of the basic fundamentals covered in the guide are –

  • Topics on what is a hedge fund and the reasons why these are mostly reserved for wealthy individuals. Know who spend the minimum in it, without becoming too concentrated in one type of alternative investment market.
  • Know how to conduct research on past performance, what worked / what did not in the last years, the risk exposure and the latest forward-looking strategies; how it offers diversity in portfolio allocation but there is a certain barrier to entry. Know about the lock-up period and other limitations in such offers.
  • Find out about the fees as the part of the equation which is considered expensive but is derived from different forms of pooled investment funds UK.
  • Know ways to diversify in macro hedge fund, long short funds, event-driven hedge fund and others with higher minimums.
  • Know the types of options that are right for one’s specific needs of diversification.

99 Alternative Investments Guide is a comprehensive guide into income-growth strategies and global trends for capital preservation at the time of chaotic market conditions. The guide provides insight into 99 different types of global asset categories for diversification. It covers traditional and innovative categories in collectibles, real estate, precious metals, commodities, energy sector, stocks, bond, currency, forex, bitcoin, spread betting, mobile apps, gaming, technology, entertainment, bank savings etc.

Register today and download your free guide.


Hedge Funds

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