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Welcome to our Alternative Asset Guides.

There are many Investment opportunities available, but how should you decide where to Invest?

Our 99 Alternative Asset Guides give you free essential information & ideas on many aspects of investing.

Asian Residential Guide

In 2019 -2020, some Asian cities were most actively traded, in terms of, property investment. The cities like Singapore, Sydney, Beijing and Shanghai received some of the highest inflows as the interest rates remained low. Vietnam is a growing market where the demand is expected to grow due to the increase in population demand. On the contrary, some regions in the mainland China and Hong Kong appeared less appealing in the last year due to a number of geopolitical and economic factors.

Investors can register and download the latest version of our Alternative Investment Guide to know in detail about alternative investments in prominent Asian properties for sale.

Some of the basic fundamentals covered in the guide are –

  • Know about the top cities offering Asian property for sale and the key onthemarket offers in the residential markets.
  • Know how the direction of Chinese demand determines the trends in alternative investment market, particularly in the Asian property investment.
  • Find out about the most lucrative and safe deals to get a place in the sun.
  • Asia investment is considered more attractive in comparison to government bonds in Japan and Europe as many global buyers seek holiday homes for sale due to benefits like rental growth and low-interest rate.
  • Some Chinese buyers are taking advantage of favorable offers in places like Singapore, which is considered superior in comparison to Hong Kong. Even Indonesians and Malaysians investors are buying in Singapore.

99 Alternative Investments Guide is a comprehensive guide into income-growth strategies and global trends for capital preservation at the time of chaotic market conditions. The guide provides insight into 99 different types of global asset categories for diversification. It covers traditional and innovative categories in collectibles, real estate, precious metals, commodities, energy sector, stocks, hedge funds, bond, currency, forex, bitcoin, spread betting, mobile apps, gaming, technology, entertainment, bank investment, etc.

Register today and download your free guide.


Asian Residential Property

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